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  • 1 posts

  • Male
  • 03/04/98
  • Living in Vietnam
  • Located in United state
  • About me
  • Castronovo & McKinney is an experienced employment law firm with a proven track record of winning cases for clients throughout New Jersey. Our firm has won millions for clients in discrimination, hostile work environment, retaliation, and sexual harassment cases. We will work to get the full value for your case and if the company is not willing to pay that value, we bring them to Court. Our firm has the talent, confidence, and resources to take on the biggest companies.
    Whether your employment rights have been violated due to discrimination, harassment, unfair wage and hour practices, sexual harassment, or wrongful termination, we can help. Although employers have an unfair advantage over employees who need to work and earn a living, we know how to level the playing field.
    While many employment-related disputes can be resolved through negotiated settlements, we are fully prepared to litigate when necessary. When you consult with us, we will listen to your concerns, choose the best course of action, and work tirelessly to protect your rights. Contact our Morristown or Manhattan office today to speak with one of our experienced employment lawyers.