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The purple light on an Orbi router usually indicates a problem with internet connectivity. This color signals that the router is having trouble connecting to the modem or the internet service provider (ISP). To resolve, try restarting the router, checking cable connections, or contacting your ISP for further assistance.

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Open the Orbi app on your smartphone or type "http:/orbilogin.com" into a web browser to upgrade your Orbi firmware. Enter your admin credentials to log in. Go to Settings and find the firmware update area. If there's a new version, download and install it by following the instructions. During this procedure, make sure your Orbi is online. Visit our website to learn more about orbi firmware updates. Our experts may be able to offer you additional assistance.


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  • 4 posts

  • Male
  • 09/16/90
  • Working at Orbi Login
  • Living in United States
  • Located in New York, USA
  • About me
  • Connect your device to the Orbi network in order to access your Orbi router. In the address box of an open web browser, type "http:/orbilogin.com" or "". Input the admin username and password ("admin" and "password" are often the defaults). You can use the web interface to change and maintain your Orbi settings after logging in. To discover more about orbi login, go to our website. Our specialists might be able to provide you with more help.