How Craig Raucher Overcame His Knee Surgeries to Continue Playing Basketbal

Posted 4 months ago in Other.

In this blog, we will talk about an individual known as Craig Raucher. Right now, his age is more than 70 years.

How Craig Raucher Overcame His Knee Surgeries to Continue Playing Basketbal

In this blog, we will talk about an individual known as Craig Raucher. Right now, his age is more than 70 years. Craig is responsible for founding the reputed Staten Island Basketball League. This person commenced playing the game when he was a child. But, Raucher had to face a stiff challenge in the long run. Let us find out what that challenge was and how Craig overcame that.

The knee replacements of Craig

After playing the game for many years, this person mentioned here had to face acute knee pain. He had no other way but to replace those knees. The first knee was replaced when Craig Raucher was 59. Following this, the second knee replacement was done after 2 years. It was Dr. Mayman who performed the surgeries at HSS. Craig has mentioned in his blogs that he had a wonderful experience at HSS. 

Tags: Craig Raucher,

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