Another World Cup hasn't been announced

Posted 3 years ago in Other.

Another World Cup hasn't been announced

Another World Cup hasn't been announced

For individual accolades, Fireburner takes home the tournament's Golden Boot award for scoring the most goals. He wasn't a one-man show, though. The American squad felt like they were usually pushing the pace, constantly applying pressure in their opponent's half. There weren't too many times when they were forced to rely on goal line defense.

It's up in the air as to how long the United States will be the tournament's defending champions. Another World Cup hasn't been announced, but it doesn't seem like something that will follow soccer's schedule of once every four years. Common consensus around this event appears to be that the production value was very good but that the "best of one" format should be extended to longer series. One game of Rocket League is an awfully small sample size that lends itself to all sorts of aberrations.But for now, the United States can call itself the best in the world at Rocket League. Even if that isn't how the official Rocket League Championship Series LANs have played out for the last few seasons.

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