How to Make WOW Gold Classic - Gold Farming Methods

Posted 5 years ago in Other.

Igvault World of Warcraft: Classic How-to Make WOW Gold Classic Guide features the best methods for farming and gaining gold in the game

How to Make WOW Gold Classic - Gold Farming Methods

Igvault World of Warcraft: Classic How-to Make WOW Gold Classic Guide features the best methods for farming and gaining gold in the game! Gold is a lot harder to come by in the old school WoW, and you'll need it for a variety of things to make your life easier when playing.


One of the best ways to make gold is to take up professions very early in the game, basically as soon as they are available. Gathering professions in particular are the best for making money. You'll want to pick two from Mining, Herbalism, and Skinning. Pick whichever you think will mesh the best with what profession you might want to do when you are level 60. Mining goes with Blacksmithing, Herbalism goes with Alchemy, and Skinning goes with Leatherworking.

You should do these while you level up, because your ability to obtain the resources is bound by your skill level in the particular gathering profession. In normal World of Warcraft, you can gather whatever you want and still gain skill points and obtain materials. In WoW Classic, you have to be a certain skill level to gather the resource.


Here's a few different methods just to save yourself gold and time while you are playing the game.

Find a Mage to Give You Food/Drink

Food and drink are pretty important, and you will likely always need some to recover your health and mana. Instead of purchasing it, try to befriend a Mage and have them craft it for you. If you don't have a friend or guild mate, there's players that will hang out in the main cities that will likely sell it to you at a fraction of the cost then you would spend at a vendor.

Don't Purchase Every Skill

When you are grabbing some new skills from the trainer, you don't need to grab every single one that's available. Only purchase the ones that you actually plan on using, there's a lot of skills that aren't useful at all or won't be useful for the build you are running.

Have a Bank Alt

Create a character you have no intention on leveling to prevent yourself from having to make long travels across the map to go to the bank or auction house. This will also save you some money on travel fees, and just generally save you a lot of time. Mail any items you want to store or sell on the auction house to this character.


In World of Warcraft, ‘farming’ is the process of repeatedly killing enemies, ideally in large groups, to ‘farm’ them for experience or loot.

If making money if your goal, then it’s the latter you’re most interested in. Whether it’s out in the world or within a dungeon, pulling groups of enemies, downing them with AOE, and repeating can net you both raw gold and a variety of items to sell.

When it comes to specifics, it’s going to be a case of what works best for you. You can blast through lower-level content alone, or group up to tackle tougher opponents. Some farming strategies aim for uncommon gear drops to sell on the auction house, while others will be more reliable in offering coin and crafting materials like cloth.

Some classes are stronger at farming than others – Mages particularly excel due to their huge range of AOE and kiting tools – and so your class choice will also influence what might be best to farm for you, and whether you group up or go it alone.

With so many potential locations in which to farm, it’s worth trying out a few different approaches without sinking too many hours into them initially to get a sense for what you find easiest, most enjoyable, and most profitable.

Farming is also a very effective levelling strategy if you’re working in content that’s within your level – either world monsters or dungeons with a group – so if you’re all about that endgame then it’s definitely worth considering along the way. For others, it might only come into play when you specifically need to make money for a big payment like a mount.

Playing the auction house

One of the age-old methods for making money in World of Warcraft is to work the auction house to find profit in buying and selling items. Compared to other methods, however, this requires much more starting money, and involves a risk of losing money if you make the wrong decisions.

There are two main approaches you can take to playing the auction house. The first, classic speculation, involves buying low and selling high – which sounds simple on the surface, but requires an intimate knowledge of the market to make the most of, as selecting the right items involves identifying bargains, understanding where prices might fluctuate, and also buying items with enough demand that you’ll be able to sell them again in a reasonable time.

The second approach is to attempt to monopolize a particular market by buying out all competitors, which then allows you to set a price with a significant profit margin that anyone who wants or needs the item will have no choice but to pay.

Going for a monopoly requires a lot more starting cash, however, and also comes with greater risks. You have to stay on top of the auction house to ensure you’re not being undercut, and if there’s too much supply it might not be realistically possible to maintain your monopoly.

Both of these methods also may not be viable in the early days of WoW Classic, as the market hasn’t had time to settle – there are more players working their way through lower level content, leading to higher supply of items found there, and less demand for higher level items. Players also haven’t had much time to earn gold to spend, and many will be saving for mounts initially.

While particularly savvy traders might spot some unique openings in the opening month of WoW Classic, for most players working the auction house will be a more viable option further down the line once the in-game economy is more stable.

In fact, the best way to get gold in wow classic is to play in the game. If you want to get gold with real money, I recommend you Igvault, is the most Safe Place to buy wow gold classic , our proprietary security technology,PlayerGuardian, keeps you, your payments, and your trades protected and private. The protections below are provided to all iGVault buyers.


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