Which Role Should You Main in League of Legends

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Which Role Should You Main in League of Legends

League of Legends has a huge range of champions, and getting to know and play them all to a high standard takes a lot of a time and effort. You’ll rarely see players take on all roles of the game, they will choose a role and stick with it, mastering a few champions at a time.

What are the roles in League of Legends?

The roles in League of Legends are the functions a given champion has on his team, and champions are usually better for a given role based on their stats, abilities, and playability. Roles are a unique feature that each lane of the game will have and that helps it stand out from the rest.

This being said, in the world of League of Legends, each champion will have a role with unique skills that will help count the enemies if the right choice is made.

Nevertheless, some champions can play different lol roles based on equipment. But we will get to this later on. Roles are also instrumental in defining the position a player will have.

Generally, tank champions go to top, jungle, or support. Yet, the Jungler title also requires some speed, making champs such as Gnar or Warwick being more eligible than full tanks like Nasus. In the same order of ideas, going support means having to aid the ADC, so, healing & boosting skills and low-damage crow control (to help farm, kill or run without stealing) are usually a must.

Moving on, the assassins depending on their skills are usually AD Carrys or AP Carry. And in the same way, the other roles in League of Legends are divided.


Jungle is a tricky role to learn but Master Yi has the ultimate training wheels. He can clear camps quickly and easily thanks to Alpha Strike and his healing ability Meditate. None of his abilities require aiming either so fighting other players is a snap. He's decent enough at ganking lanes, too, provided your team's laner has some crowd control at this disposal.


Darius has always been a fun beginner pick for top lane. He's strong early in the match and can seriously bully their opponent. His bleeds, slow, and snare set up his instakill ultimate perfectly. Darius' ultimate resets its cooldown when you kill an enemy champion so you can become a terror in teamfights. Like a lot of champions on this list, he's pretty easy to learn because you don't need to worry about your aim. His rework has only made him stronger by adding a healing component to his Decimate ability.


Tanks are always a good standby pick for top, support and jungle: they don't have many skillshots and they're so durable that you can survive a mistake or two. Amumu is arguably the best tank for the jungle role. His Bandage Toss is great for either ganking a lone enemy or starting a teamfight. He can also deal a surprising amount of damage to nearby enemies thanks to Tantrum and Despair. When he's in the middle of a pack of enemies, he can also use Curse of the Sad Mummy to freeze and damage all enemies - a move that can potentially win the fight for his team.

Wukong (Top, Jungle)

Wukong, like his mentor Yi, doesn't have any skillshots in his ability set. Unlike many other Fighters, he doesn't have to worry about kiting thanks to his dash. Decoy is a great escape tool that can also be used to initiate a fight, while his Passive makes him tankier than expected. The AOE knock-up effect from his ultimate can win teamfights even if he's behind in gold.

Ashe (ADC)

Carries are expected to be the big guns that steamroll the enemy team at the end of the game. Ashe is slightly different in that she's great at setting up teammates' kills as well. She can slow enemies with auto attacks or Volley so her allies can chase them down. The stun from her ultimate is likewise a great alley-oop. Hawkshot lets her spot a jungler or scout objectives. Ashe is a huge help to the team even when she's not killing enemies left and right.

Annie (Mid, Support)

If you ask pretty much any player to recommend a good midlane champion for beginners, Annie is on their shortlist. The reason is that every one of them has lost a game thanks to an Annie. Her ultimate lets her summon Tibbers, a giant teddy bear, to smack enemies while her passive lets her stun targets every 4 spell casts. By combining the two, she can drop Tibbers in the middle of a teamfight to stun and damage several foes at once. This can be enough to turn the fight - and potentially the match. It's so effective even though everyone sees it coming.

Leona (Support)

Leona is one of several support character that excels in initiating fights. What sets her apart from Nautilus, Blitzcrank and Thresh though is that her initiate ability is a lot easier to land because isn't blocked by walls or minions. She's also very tanky, significantly boosts her teammate's damage thanks to her passive and can stun enemies on command with her Q ability. Leona helps her team in so many ways that every player with an interest in the support role should check her out.

In which lane is each role played well?

You can say that each lane has a role already defined. At least, the Supports and ADCs always go together to the bottom of the map. The midlaners are centered in the middle of the field, the top in the upper part, and the jungle is in charge of handling the whole map.

However, there are always some variations. Sometimes ADCs end up going to midlands and doing a good job. Or, the Supports end up going to top and winning the lane more easily than everyone thought. A lot of this depends on each player and their skills.

Hopefully, this helps newer players find a role that fits them, but what if you’re an older player? By playing a new position, you risk your LP. Sure, you could play normal games, but you won't learn much from them, and you don't want to end up in Bronze.

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