How to Approach the PTE Summarize Written Text Task

Posted 1 month ago in Other.

Approaching the PTE Summarize Written Text task with a clear strategy can make a significant difference in your performance.

How to Approach the PTE Summarize Written Text Task

Summarize Written Text task in PTE Academic can be challenging, but with the right approach, you can master it. This task assesses your ability to read a passage and condense it into a single sentence. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you tackle this task effectively.

Task Requirements

In the Summarize Written Text task, you are given a passage of up to 300 words. Your goal is to summarize the main idea in one sentence, which should be between 5 and 75 words long. This sentence should be grammatically correct and convey the essence of the passage.

Read the Passage Carefully

Begin by reading the passage thoroughly. Pay attention to the main idea and key points. It’s important to understand the overall message of the text rather than focusing on individual details. Take notes if necessary to help you remember the crucial points.

Identify the Main Idea

After reading, identify the main idea of the passage. Ask yourself what the author is trying to convey. Look for topic sentences, concluding sentences, and repeated themes. These elements often highlight the central message.

Plan Your Sentence

Before you start writing, plan your sentence. Think about how you can combine the key points into a single, coherent sentence. Ensure that your summary captures the main idea without including unnecessary details.

Use Simple and Clear Language

When writing your summary, use simple and clear language. Avoid complex structures and jargon. Your goal is to convey the main idea in an easy-to-understand manner. Make sure your sentence is grammatically correct and concise.

Check for Completeness and Accuracy

After writing your summary, review it to ensure it accurately reflects the passage’s main idea. Check for any grammatical errors or awkward phrasing. Make sure your sentence is within the required word count range.

Practice Regularly

Like any other skill, mastering the Summarize Written Text task requires regular practice. Incorporate this task into your PTE practice routine. Use sample passages and time yourself to simulate exam conditions. Regular practice will help you improve your summarizing skills and increase your confidence.

Consider Professional Help

If you find this task particularly challenging, consider seeking help from a tutor or enrolling in PTE coaching. Professional guidance can provide you with valuable feedback and tips to enhance your performance.


Approaching the PTE Summarize Written Text task with a clear strategy can make a significant difference in your performance. By understanding the task requirements, reading carefully, identifying the main idea, planning your sentence, using clear language, and practicing regularly, you can effectively summarize written texts. If needed, professional help through PTE coaching can further refine your skills.




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