Finally and once again, thank you for your comments

Posted 3 years ago in Fashion Design.

ACbells - Cheap Animal Crossing Bells, AC Bells and Items(Support Switch) with Low Price, Instant Delivery 24/7 And 100% Trustable.

Finally and once again, thank you for your comments

Despite the fluffy nature of Animal Crossing Bells the sport, this community can be unbelievably rabid when something that they don't like gets posted. I report these things as I see them, but then I see the poisonous posters continue to post here and wonder whether it even does any good. I will be completely honest here though, I know your second stage. And I will admit for awhile, there hasn't been a lot of active moderation , just being 1-2 busy mods at a few points. Recently, I sat down for some time and caught up with all the monstrously deep stride. For the time being, everything's caught up. This is why I'd like to have some new moderators, so the busy ones do not get burnt out and items fall behind again. So please, keep reporting.

As for the flair system, we don't have one that's relatively simple. If you have some suggestions for particular flairs you may feel free to say so.

Finally and once again, thank you for your comments. And sorry if this comment seems a bit unorganized/poorly composed, I rather just threw my ideas into the comment box. It really ruins the game for those of us who perform ac the way it was supposed to be played (personal opinion). I don't want to see all the new holiday things a month until they're supposed to be seen. This also was the case with snow, at which north census people were tt to buy Animal Crossing Items winter while it was still fall.