Rocket League Items feels like competitive Rocket League in its purest form

Posted 4 years ago in Clothing.

Rocket League Items feels like competitive Rocket League in its purest form

Rocket League Items feels like competitive Rocket League in its purest form

Collegiate Rocket League will be adding a Spring Season season this year, signaling a further investment into Rocket League esports of all levels on behalf of Psyonix.The Spring Season aims to crown four conference champions from universities across the USA and Canada. The top four teams from each conference will split a $50,000 scholarship pool and the winners will likely receive an invite to the Fall Season where they'll compete for even more prize money.

Each conference will have their own single elimination tournament, consisting of the eight teams that participated in last year's conference league play, and eight more who qualify through open qualifiers from February 16-17. For more information on these qualifiers and to sign up, visit the Tespa registration page.

Rocket League Items feels like competitive Rocket League in its purest form?It's just a squad of friends having a blast while playing their favorite game. Last season's National Championship was a clear example of how much fun these players and fans are having with CRL.

The competing colleges provided some unbelievably exciting matches, and the event's attendees responded to the teams with pure enthusiasm. The players are also a bit less afraid to be themselves (read: a little goofy), so teams seem to have a lot more character (and fun) than professional squads. Akron's hype squad also stole the show last year and brought the hysteria of college sports to the esports world.