Plz don't whine to me abt traffic

Posted 3 лет назад in Природа.

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Plz don't whine to me abt traffic

If I get more than 7 answers I will be doing more than one round, so feel free to reach out whether you will be on for Animal Crossing Bells a while! ??

Comment in game name for dodo. Comments/dodos with ac names will take priority over the ones that do not??

Plz don't whine to me abt traffic :/ there are other individuals flying in so that you will likely get disturbance. There is nothing I can do abt it- if ppl have windows open I will ask them to shut them but that is all I can do??

It would b rly cute if u can leave something in my bulletin board:3??

Going to open up my island to a individuals, decluttering my storage and I've got a number of diys which I'd like to give away because it is just making my shore look too messy! Do not want anything in return, bits of clothing, items, wallpaper, flooring! Dm me for a dodo code, only taking 1 at a time! Come see what I've got, take what you want! Proceed to the far back left, cross the bridge, and she's trapped at the top of Cheap Nook Miles Ticket the incline right there.

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