World of Warcraft dataminers found cool items in Shadowlands alpha

Posted 4 лет назад in Животные.

Shadowlands alpha will not go live until this summer or later, but just last weekend, Blizzard invited the first players to enter the Alpha test suit.

World of Warcraft dataminers found cool items in Shadowlands alpha

Shadowlands alpha will not go live until this summer or later, but just last weekend, Blizzard invited the first players to enter the World of Warcraft Classic Gold Alpha test suit. Dataminers will discover various new features, armor and mounts by studying these new game files and data.
With the regular updates and expansion of Shadowlands alpha, as of now, I have collected some of the coolest and most interesting content. For example, basic support for the controller and some changes to the way Alliance Races works. Of course, game director Ion Hazzikostas said that what the dataminers discovered will be in the final version of Shadowlands.
Next are some of my findings:
Mounts, mounts, and even more mounts
In addition to the new stories and areas added to the game, all the new decoration options in the new expansion are one of the most exciting things, such as mounts and equipment. Although I am not a horseback collector, I like to search for all the rides that will appear in Azeroth. With Shadowlands, there will definitely be a lot, and they look simply amazing.
Armor sets
The new Covenants system and its accompanying armor is one of Shadowlands' biggest features. Armor sets are simply excellent, it looks so cool. There are four different Armor combinations for different Armor classes, which requires you a lot of screening.
New character customization options
In Battle for Azeroth, Blizzard added a lot of better character customization options and some game designs. Orcs and trolls have risen, and humans can choose to Buy WOW Classic Gold play Kul Tirans. In World of Warcraft, the alliance race is a cool variant of its core race. Dataminers tapped into the new achievements of Shadowlands, and found that obtaining an alliance race no longer requires players and specific factions to achieve prestige. This is a huge change that will allow players to acquire alliance races faster.

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