"New to osrs" buttt I've 190 chest opens

Posted 4 years ago in Fashion Blog.

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"New to osrs" buttt I've 190 chest opens

My vision is using grand sized houses that have custom hotspots to OSRS gold put furniture as opposed to the 8x8 grid chambers which we have grown familiar with. I feel like its only better and less complicated to design from scratch compared to reworking the 33 space 8x8 code.

Glad to hear, though OSRS was sprinting at a significantly faster pace with content compared to RS3 for years now. I know the old argument that RS3 has more graphics, but OSRS has mature tools they use. So pretty much cancels out each other. I'd be quite surprised if ORRS has not updated nearly all these tools.

I don't think that it's simply images, I think it's also a factor of the amount of content currently existing in the sport. Realistically, RS3 overall has more information and is significantly more complex than OSRS. Creating something new that will fit in using a meta tag without being super OP is much harder in RS3 than OSRS. We must remember that before OSRS even came out, RS3 had almost 7 years of upgrades on top of it. This is 7 years of additional content the devs have to work around to find this content done. While OSRS could have more limited tools, I still think they game they are working with makes it a lot simpler to allow them to output material quicker.Using ibans team is Pretty fast I think, and 200 barrows runs Got me from 56 magical to 72. Oh yeah I run that also and its gotten me 79 pretty well and that could be the count which get per hour idk since ive never really paid attention to just how many I perform. With trident I can do it in 5 minutes while not fully focussed, portal and pool to barrows so like 12 an hour. It is quite afk and enjoyable to do.

New RuneScape players usually don't dash barrows within a few months

"New to osrs" buttt I've 190 chest opens. For real what bullshit... that this dude had 44rc. A new player would never have 44 rc. It takes months to Buy RS gold get enough genie lamps for that xp. I consider myself relatively new to OSRS compared to a lot of people, but I have played a LOT because I began last November.

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