Sell Raffle Tickets Online Using a Ticketing Platform

Posted 3 mois depuis in Autre.

You can easily sell raffle tickets online using a ticketing platform. The platform will help you manage your event, process payments and collect attendee information.

Sell Raffle Tickets Online Using a Ticketing Platform

You can easily sell raffle tickets online using a ticketing platform. The platform will help you manage your event, process payments and collect attendee information. It will also allow you to create an effective raffle ticket sales page that speaks to your ’why’.

You can offer many different prizes for your raffle. For example, you could give away smart home devices or car servicing gift certificates.

Ticketing platform

If you are running a charity event, choosing a reliable ticketing platform is essential. It must be easy to use for both organizers and attendees. The platform should also be able to handle multiple ticket types, and it should allow attendees to buy tickets online. This can help increase ticket sales and donations.

Another advantage of a ticketing platform is its ability to automate the drawing process. This eliminates the risk of human error and allows you to choose a winner without delay. It can also help you grow your email list by capturing data on every attendee.

A modern ticketing service is more than just a customer support tool. It’s a powerful way to build deeper relationships and increase loyalty with customers. It provides a central hub for unified communications and offers cross-channel customer recognition tools that empower agents to deliver personalized, friend-to-friend support. It should also have scalability and integration capabilities to ensure that it will be able to manage growing demands over time.

Customized tickets

A raffle is a great way to raise funds for a charity or event. Online raffles make it easier for supporters to donate money and participate in the event. They also reach a wider audience than traditional fundraising methods. Online raffles are easy to promote through social media and email marketing.

Using an online fundraising platform will help you save time and resources, especially when your event is big. These platforms allow you to target your audience based on their location and time zones. This way, you will be able to avoid spending your ad budget on audiences that are unlikely to attend your event.

Create custom roll tickets for your fundraisers, events, concerts, sports, and other special occasions. Choose the color and ink for your printed stubs, and add your company or event logo. These high-quality tickets have a 48 to 72 hour turnaround time, and we offer proofs before your order is processed.

Online donation page

When it comes to raising funds online, it's important to offer a variety of methods for participants. This will encourage donors to buy more tickets and boost your overall fundraising total. Make sure to include your PayPal, credit card, and eCheck donation options on your online donation page.

Before you start selling raffle tickets, ensure that the prizes you're offering are both relevant to your cause and sharable on social media. Also, be sure to set a ticket price that is high enough to generate significant revenue for your organization. Donors are more likely to pay a higher cost per ticket when they know their money is going to a worthy cause.

Once you've added your prizes, you can use Qgiv's easy-to-use reporting to track ticket purchases. To do so, add a Raffle Prize custom field to your event registration form and then export the report by the prize's name. This will show which prize each donor entered the raffle for.


When selecting your raffle prizes, it is important to keep the interests of your audience in mind. Prizes that appeal to their needs and interests tend to generate the most attention and ticket sales. For example, a family-friendly prize like a membership to a local museum or a night out at a restaurant is more appealing than an expensive European getaway.

When creating your raffle, consider listing impact levels that show how much each ticket sale contributes to your fundraising goal. This is a great way to motivate participants and create a sense of community. In addition, using influencers and community admins to promote the event can boost participation.

Regardless of the size of your online raffle, there are many ways to make it a success. You can use your own website or third-party apps to sell tickets. For instance, Evey is a Shopify app that allows you to easily create fully customizable tickets and manage attendee lists. It is also compatible with your own payment system, which reduces transaction costs and gives you more control over your event.

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