Cmon man you saw Im Sama possess a big straw hat

Posted 3 years ago in Other.

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Cmon man you saw Im Sama possess a big straw hat

I'm not an Animal Crossing Bells guy but how does that work? They look like the actual characters, are such all accessories and outfits or something? Because he even offers his torso open and I am perplexed.

Yeah I think people really desire Luffy to have some sort of connection Roger, but I think I like it far better that through the world being full of differences, similarities, and coincidences that somehow, the Pirate King and Luffy both happen to be these men that knew what it meant to be free and in that, they became the what they are now.

Cmon man you saw Im Sama possess a big straw hat. Roger used to put on the hat. Strong pirate such as shanks goes to East blue and leaves a hat using luffy. Either Luffy is the reincarnation of Roger or he's Rogers real son

No I'm telling you at a nice way that's what it is that's not basic that is how it's put this up. Most Men and Women ik frown on the Notion of Luffy and Roger being related in any other manner and Oda works supports that this pitiful buddy try next week....probably won't be super though

It could be in a Davy back fight type thing but like a true Davy back fight, not the shattered dumbed down version achieved by foxy, a true testament to ones skill. I think this could be a very cool way for them to buy new horizons bells struggle in a means that could only be so much fun.