The public beta of EVE Echoes has started

Posted 3 years ago in Fashion Blog.

In this Beta phase, CCP Games encouraged players' feedback. For ideas on how to improve EVE Echoes, you should want to share with developers. Players can do so through the official social media channels of games such as Facebook, Twitter and Discord.

The public beta of EVE Echoes has started

We learned at the end of October that EVE Echoes is about to enter the public beta in December. CCP Games has fulfilled its promise, and today EVE Echoes has entered the testing phase in some areas. Games played in Alpha can be saved, and the server will be erased after the newly released Beta is completed. You need to keep this in mind when entering the Beta for viewing. How to form the development of the title.

The Cheap EVE Echoes ISK first thing I want to introduce is that the public beta of CCP Games’ mobile science fiction MMO EVE Echoes is available in a few regions. For users in Australia, the United States, Canada, Russia, Europe, South Korea and New Zealand, users can already enter the Beta version. It is not yet known whether more regions will be added to the list. EVE Echoes will bring players a real EVE Online experience on mobile devices. Players can use the more optimized feature set in the previous alpha test in today's beta version. Beta provides new content including Storyline Mission, Interstellar Trading Center and novice pilot tutorial.

In this Beta phase, CCP Games encouraged players' feedback. For ideas on how to improve EVE Echoes, you should want to share with developers. Players can do so through the official social media channels of games such as Facebook, Twitter and Discord.

We have not yet known the details of when EVE Echoes can be released on the Play Store and how to handle monetization. For developers who point out that EVE Echoes will provide a "real experience", I really appreciate it. My mobile gaming experience tells me that I should continue to wait for the official release time. How players will improve their gaming experience in this game is a question that needs to be considered. On  players can buy cheap EVE Echoes ISK here.