I would recommend stitching those in with a basting stitch so you know what you are working with fit wise

Posted 3 anni fa in .

I would recommend stitching those in with a basting stitch so you know what you are working with fit wise

I would recommend stitching those in with a basting stitch so you know what you are working with fit wise

 If it’s not something that’s already fitted to you, you can take the time to fit it now! Pin in areas that need to be taken in, make sure to mark it with a marker just in case those pins fall out! If you need to let an area out you can slash that area and pin in some more flat fabric.

If there are a lot of changes, I would recommend stitching those in with a basting stitch so you know what you are working with fit wise.  If you do this in the flat, then there is a chance your design might warp or not look how you want! But since I wasn’t going to be at a convention or even a photo studio, I used photoshop to change my skin and eye color to match her iconic look.

Once they were all cast, I took them outside and gave them a little coat of white spray paint to give the distressing paint something to stick to. Then I gave them a dark wash, and painted the eye sockets black, glued them on to the belt, attached my skirts to the belt with some Velcro and boom! Mystique was nearly complete!

tag: cosplay,
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