EVE Online's deadliest fortress is destroyed

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EVE Online is different from many other MMOs in that your ships and equipment will be threatened when you leave EVE. In the wormhole space, all citadel asset security systems are not allowed to be used, and this risk has increased. After the castle was destroyed, all items were abandoned i

EVE Online's deadliest fortress is destroyed

The reveller of EVE Online is Hard Knocks Inc.. They have been haunting the virtual galaxy of New Eden for the past seven years. An impenetrable solar system named Rage is located deep in the transient path of wormhole space. New wormholes appear every day, connecting Rage to one of the thousands of galaxies in EVE Online. Those who live in the galaxy wake up every day to find Genghis Khan in the bedroom.

The first Fort Knocks was built at Hard Knocks two years ago, making a history. Fort Knocks is about 200 kilometers tall, and the largest space station in New Eden is the closest EVE Online to the Death Star.

They have a large fleet and the most skilled pilots, as well as Keepstar's own doomsday arsenal. Attacking Rage directly is considered suicide. A team relied on their own ingenuity to deal with them three months ago.

One of New Eden's many competitions for space is power groups. The EVE Echoes ISK For Sale politics and wars of zero security space have a great influence on it. On December 8, 2018, members of Hard Knocks were shocked to discover that there were many initiative participants at his door.

EVE Online is different from many other MMOs in that your ships and equipment will be threatened when you leave EVE. In the wormhole space, all citadel asset security systems are not allowed to be used, and this risk has increased. After the EVE Echoes ISK castle was destroyed, all items were abandoned into space.

In 2017, a plan that requires a large number of ships, ammunition and supplies has been formed. Anger was found in the depths of the wormhole space-changing system, which is the unstable connection with the neighboring star system. Novice players are very interested in this game, and they will also encounter many problems. At this time, I believe that MMOWTS will play its role. He will provide players with a lot of preferential EVE Echoes ISK.

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